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Here's where seafarers find jobs
They didn't pay for work. Don't work with them
We are an online service helping seamen find job placements in the right fields.
About Krew Guru
Seamen with us
160 000+
Open vacancies
To create your CV
25 min
Companies will see your CV
No matter the result of your application we will make sure you get the feedback and find your best contract.
Check the status of your application and find the best contract
Apply to vacancies
Check out the list of vacancies available to you and if you have a completed CV, apply and expect feedback from crewing company.
Create & fill out the CV
Go to the website, login with your phone or e-mail and fill in information about yourself and your professional credentials!
How to find a marine job fast & for free
300+ marine vacancies
Second Engineer on LPG
Chief Engineer on Chemical Tanker
MSIS Shipping Services
Chief Officer on Chemical Tanker
What will you get
Better conditions and salary
Companies will see you in our database
Ability to fill out a CV from your phone
CV that will spark interest in the employers
Ready to find the best contract
© MOCWW, inc. 2020-2023
251 Little Falls Drive, New Castle Country, Wilmington, Delaware, USA